Shortly after the positive response to ActiveTalk Charlie also started Active Mums Wellbeing Group. Groups of mums come together at The Vench and do a variety of fun physical activities led by Charlie. Each member of the group receives an ActiveBeing/The Vench t-shirt to wear for the sessions which helps build a sense of group identity and overcomes some of the barriers to participation. In addition to this, each session starts with a discussion about one of the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’. Charlie is Connect5 trained and passionate about ensuring this knowledge and education is shared with others so that they have the skills and confidence to lead balanced lives. For Charlie one of the best parts of the sessions is the genuine laughter and enjoyment the group have, it gives them a real release from the battles that everyday life can bring. It also highlights how physical activity can still be fun and enjoyable!
I asked Charlie what the future was for the programme and how the lockdown has impacted her. She explained:
“The 1:1 ActiveTalk was able to continue being a vital service for women in need of a safe space to be heard and grow on their mental wellbeing journey. The impact of this programme on women’s lives has been positively immeasurable. I have felt privileged to be a part of the shared thinking and talking together with all of the women involved. They really are an inspiration and want to see ActiveBeing available for more women to access.
We are working with Social Prescribing teams in North and South Bristol, as well as with Safe Link to try grow the provision, and provide referrals to those who need positive (skills and research based) early intervention. There are plans to link with providers who support youth mental wellbeing to try and provide a joined up service – supporting the parents as well as the children.
We have some fundraising events planned and further funding bids that we hope will support us in the development and delivery as an organisation. There are new Active Wellbeing groups starting in Lockleaze and Southmead, with plans to trial group sessions in South Bristol. We will ensure women have the provisions that they need; to be active, mentally well and to manage positive change.”
You only have to read a few of the testimonials and comments below to get the smallest glimpse of the impact Charlie’s projects are having. People who have previously felt as though they had hit crisis point and there was no way out for them have found hope and been given coping strategies for when things are at their worst.
“The sessions have changed a lot for me. I gained my confidence back, remembering that I am enough and see things in a positive way. Thank you Charlie”
“Walking and talking has been different somehow. I've had counselling before but the walking gave it a new energy, a new focus and a new way of looking at things.”
“I feel very lucky to have had access to these session. It's a safe, non-judgemental space where I can chat about all the things swimming around in my head.”
Charlie strongly believes that the best thing you can do for your mental health is to be kind to yourself.
Tackling Inequalities Fund (TIF) is a Sport England fund that exists to help reduce the negative impact of coronavirus and the widening of the inequalities in sport and physical activity. Wesport have been managing the fund for the West of England area.
Please visit the Active Being website if you are interested in these projects and want to learn more or get involved.
To learn more about the Tackling Inequalities Fund, click here.