COVID-19 Support
COVID-19 Support
Staying active is even more important at a time when we are forced to distance ourselves from each other and self-isolate, so we will share the latest guidance on staying active at home, keeping children moving and getting outside, in line with government guidance. We look forward to working with you to share your tips, advice, guidance and videos to keep us all moving and inspired.
Please see the Join the Movement page dedicated to helping you stay active during the coronavirus outbreak.
We have also created a bank of resources here to help children and young people achieve their recommended 60 minutes of physical activity every day.
We know that this period of uncertainty will cause significant challenges for many organisations and we encourage you to share how you work through these, so we can work to help each other through this and come out as a closer, more collaborative network.
Please see the Sector Support page for advice on adapting to the current circumstances.
These pages will be continuously updated as the situation develops and we intend to keep you as up to date as possible during this period of uncertainty.
We also regularly send out a partners bulletin with up to date information with what's happening in the sector. If you would like to receive this e-newsletter please click here. To read the past few months bulletins please see the downloads on the right of the screen.
Please see below 3 short videos on why it is important to stay active as well as some tips and guidance on how to stay active in the current climate.
Your health is a priority now more than ever, so look after yourself, your loved ones, friends and neighbours. We look forward to continuing to work together to create a happy and healthy West of England.