Older People
The number of people over 80 is going to increase significantly in the next ten years with little increase in healthy life expectancy in prospect. This has huge implications for health and social care services. It doesn’t have to be this way. The evidence is strong that the incidence of the major causes of disability and dependency can be prevented or delayed, compressing the period at the end of life when we are heavily dependent on others. By increasing our physical ability as we age through strength and balance and increasing our activity levels, we can not only prevent falls and frailty but help reduce the risk of dementia and prevent and mitigate isolation. We also have a responsibility to challenge our misconceptions around ageing.

As an Active Partnership, we are part of the national Live Longer Better movement spearheaded by Sir Muir Grey.
We have used this approach to secure Ageing Well funding through the local health system to enable us to take a community based approach to ageing well along with lots of other partners, in particular our local Age UK teams. We will update on this work through our news items and bulletins. Sign up for our bulletin here.
Across the West of England there are already a range of activities within the community that older adults can attend. For those who are starting to show signs of reduced mobility they can engage in Staying Steady classes and low intensity walking groups. We also know though that many older adults are very active and are members of local sport clubs and regularly do activity and we should continue to support this and make the norm. If anyone with a Long term health condition is worried about starting to be active, there is lots of guidance and support on the We Are Undefeatable website
Active Ageing Bristol
Active Ageing Bristol is an initiative engaging, inspiring and enabling people to be active, healthy and happy in later life.
The project was set up to transform attitudes to, and opportunities for, sport and physical activity
Please visit the Active Ageing Website for more information.
Age UK
Age UK offer opportunities for older people to take part in physical activity that helps them stay active in ways that suits their needs and abilities. Often the activities they run also provide the opportunity to meet new people and form new friendships. There are 3 Age UK's across the West of England. Find out more here.