The Impact of Sports Coach Apprenticeships

by coaching

Coach Core is an innovative and engaging sports coaching apprenticeship being delivered across a number of UK cities, including Bristol. By harnessing a number of qualifications, experiences and additional learning opportunities, Coach Core’s goal is to ensure each apprentice goes onto further education or employment and provides greater coaching provision in the communities in which they serve.

Targeting 16-24 year olds who are not in education or employment, Coach Core delivers an inclusive and impactful apprenticeship that develops the talents of young people and provides them with a range of vital skills for sport, work and life.

Wesport act as the local central partner and work alongside the Coach Core Foundation, Lifetime Training, and local employers to manage, coordinate and deliver the Bristol programme.

We caught up with a few of the programmes Graduates to learn more about their experience of Coach Core:

Nathaniel (Yr2 Graduate)

Summer (Yr1 Graduate)

Kieran (Yr2 Graduate)

1.Why did you get involved in Coach Core?

N - I got involved with Coach Core to better myself as a sports coach and aim to support others.

S - I went to university straight after 6th form because I wasn’t really sure what else I wanted to do other than be a PE teacher. Once I got there we were told that ‘if we came to university to be a PE teacher then have a few backups because it is very unlikely that we would end up going into that career’. This put me off because I didn't believe that I, out of the room full of around 120 people would be one of those few they were talking about. This is when I decided to change my mind and find a different way of doing the thing I was passionate about.

K - After leaving university early, I started to look around for apprenticeships/jobs in the sport sector. Coach Core seemed a great opportunity for me to gain valuable practical experience, and a key insight to improving my knowledge and understanding of all aspects of coaching, especially in cricket.

2. What did you gain from the programme?

N - I gained a huge amount of confidence and multiple qualifications in and around fitness to add to my skills

S - The main thing I gained from the programme was confidence. I was very shy when I started and it took a while for me to come out of my shell but I think towards the end I was a very different person than I started as. My confidence grew as the apprenticeship went on.

K - Alongside gaining real working experience in schools, the education days were really beneficial for my learning. The extra courses such as inclusive training and a L2 multi-skills course broadened my knowledge in coaching. I experienced helping out at some events like the Summer School Games and the Cricket World Cup in 2019.

3. What have you done since you graduated?

N - I gained a FT position with my employer Shine Wraparound Care, as assistant sports hall manager. I’m also looking to further my abilities by taking more courses in management and coaching.

S - I am currently studying Chiropractic foundation year and I will go onto the masters of chiropractic degree next year. The apprenticeship helped me understand that I can do anything if I put my mind to it.

K - My graduation from the course coincided with multiple Covid restrictions which is never ideal, however in that I was able to gain full employment from my employer, the Gloucestershire Cricket Board.

4. What would be your advice to anyone else considering a sports coach apprenticeship?

N - To get involved and find out what area you can be successful in and pursue it ambitiously to see where it takes you.

S - Definitely do it. You will gain so many skills and have fun whilst doing it. Coaching is definitely a great field to go into if you are a hands-on type of person or learns best through doing.

K - If you enjoy any sport and are keen to help people it is a great opportunity. Throw yourself into it and benefit from great tutors and experiences.

For more information visit our Coach Core page here. 

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