Talk Club, a mental health fitness community for men
Talk Club, a mental health fitness community for men
This Mental Health Awareness week we wanted to highlight some of the great work our partners are doing by using physical activity as a tool to positively impact peoples mental health and wellbeing. We...
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Big changes start with small steps
Big changes start with small steps
When it comes to tackling climate change it can be seen as an overwhelming topic. We often feel like we don’t know where to start and there is so much to do we end...
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Wesport & BRASP bring health and wellbeing activities to those in temporary accommodation
Wesport & BRASP bring health and wellbeing activities to those in temporary accommodation
by Caleb Thomas
In July 2022, Wesport and Voscur were successful in applying to Sport England’s Together Fund to incorporate physical activity opportunities into the newer temporary initial accommodation sites (TIAs) in the West of England. This...
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Our ongoing commitment to tackling racism and racial inequality
Our ongoing commitment to tackling racism and racial inequality
As part of our 2 year partnership with local hate crime charity SARI our team and trustees attended a full days Race Equality training on Tuesday 24th January. This training is part of our...
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The impact of the cost of living crisis on sport and physical activity
The impact of the cost of living crisis on sport and physical activity
The UK is currently facing a cost of living crisis, the rising cost of food, electricity and household bills is causing many people to reprioritise their finances. Physical activity isn’t considered an essential spend...
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Together Fund investment helping to reduce barriers to participation in Swimming
Together Fund investment helping to reduce barriers to participation in Swimming
by Ruth Glanvill
North Somerset British Bangladeshi Association (NSBBA) have been using funding awarded through the Sport England Together Fund to deliver women only swimming sessions in Weston-Super-Mare, North Somerset.
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