Last week Sport England announced they are investing a further £20 million to help tackle inequalities in physical activity levels as the nation continues to recover from the pandemic.
Last year as an initial response to the pandemic Sport England launched the £20m Tackling Inequalities Fund (TIF) that focused on lower socio-economic groups, culturally diverse communities, disabled people and those with long-term health conditions.
Now, a further £20m will be spent on helping the same audiences to become active or get more active as TIF becomes the Together Fund.
This money will continue to support community organisations working with our priority audiences, so the organisations have a future to plan for. The support is designed to enable further recovery and growth up until March 2023.
Over the past 18 months we have received funding through TIF to support partners across the West of England through phases 1, 2 and 3 of the national programme of work.
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Ruth Glanvill Wesport Project Manager added
“TIF has allowed us to create the space to truly listen to partners, collaboratively develop opportunities and sustain physical activity in a place. We’ve had the time to understand how projects connect to a system and join up conversations strategically. It has allowed us to have wider conversations instead of reducing relationships with partners to a project or programme.”
We look forward to continuing our work with Sport England and Voscur to support the local community through the new Together Fund. Wesport hope to access Together Funding in the New Year.
To learn more about the TIF fund watch our latest video highlighting the impact the fund has already had on local organisations and communities.
To read the story of TIF so far, click here.