We are delighted to officially launch the Fall-proof campaign. Fall-proof is a community based approach to falls prevention combining community engagement alongside a marketing campaign.
The campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of strength and balance and the positive impact it can have on long term health and wellbeing.
To assist with this there is a suite of resources available, this includes a strength and balance booklet, exercise videos and Move to Improve exercise cards. You can access all of these resources by following the link to our website here.
Our objectives for the campaign are to:
- Effectively engage with the community to raise their awareness of strength and balance, including the long term benefits to health.
- Raise awareness of the benefits of strength and balance among people who are connected to those who would benefit from the strength and balance plan.
- To build confidence in stakeholder partners to share messaging among their networks and build a range of resources to support this.
The Fall-proof campaign will run across 2022/2023 with a strong focus between July and September 2022.
We are actively seeking the involvement of community partners who wish to share the messaging of this campaign wider. If you wish to connect into this work or would like further information please contact our Project Manager Saliha Ahmed.
Visit our webpage here for further information.
Visit our Facebook page here.
The Fall-proof programme was originally developed by Active Gloucestershire in partnership with Gloucestershire CCG, and has been funded locally through the Ageing Well programme, as part of Healthier Together.