Round 3 of the Green Social Prescribing Community Grants is now live. The round is open from 31st January until 9am on the 28th February.
Grants can be for a maximum of £25,000 and need to demonstrate impact on mental health and links to health referral pathways.
The focus of the GSP, funded for 2 years, is to establish health and nature as a golden thread across the BNSSG health and care offer.

As we seek to address health inequalities, there is a focus on our residents with the poorest access to nature, who also have the poorest mental health outcomes.
Through a system-wide approach, strongly supported by NHS leadership and a diverse range of organisations, including the West of England Nature Partnership, we will significantly increase the range of support available to make a real difference in helping people recover and maintain mental wellbeing.
The focus of this programme of work is to support those population groups experiencing the poorest mental health outcomes across BNSSG including:
- Culturally diverse communities
- Disabled people
- People with long term health conditions
- Those on low incomes
If you are interested in applying and have any questions there are two information sessions being held in the next week.
- Friday 4th February 10-11am
- Monday 7th February 4-5pm
To book on one of these sessions please email
If you cannot make either of these dates please email and someone will try to speak to you separately.
Wesport have been appointed by Healthier Together and the Green Social Prescribing Project Board to manage this grants process within the Green Social Prescribing (GSP) project across Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG).
For more information or to apply complete the application form below.